MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl Methane) Helps Asthma and Allergies

3D picture of the human lungs

Methyl Sulphonyl Methane, commonly called MSM, is an essential nutrient for anyone suffering asthma or allergies. MSM is a natural component of the body and contributes sulphur to the body. 

Sulphur exists in the body in the form of ‘Sulphonyl’ found in MSM – Methyl Sulphonyl Methane. Sulphur in this form is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body. Its deficiency is known to cause many chronic diseases, particularly in the supporting structures of the body such as the joints, bones, tendons and muscles and the internal structures of organs like the lungs. 

Scientists believe that MSM performs the role of reducing allergies by stabilizing the supporting membrane of cells. The human body is composed of over 100 billion cells. Each cell is wrapped in a protective membrane to contain its contents and to protect it from damage. MSM is a crucial component of the cell membrane, and its deficiency will lead to instability and hypersensitivity of the cell membrane which is observed in those suffering asthma and allergic diseases. 

The benefits of MSM for those suffering asthma is that it improves the physical strength of the lungs, making them less susceptible to asthma attacks. MSM also increases cell membrane stability and by doing so reduces the airway hypersensitivity, which in turn reduces the incidence of asthmatic attacks. MSM is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and will contribute to lowering the high rates of inflammatory and damaging processes seen in asthma and allergies. 

MSM is needed in very large quantities to perform this function. For this reason, it is preferable that MSM powder is used for therapy as against taking the tablets and capsules that contain too little MSM. The recommended dose of MSM powder for people with asthma and those suffering severe allergies is two teaspoons of the powder dissolved in a glass of water taken in the morning, afternoon and night. Those with mild allergies can take a small dose of one teaspoon three times daily. 

MedB MSM is produced from Non-GMO organic corn, unlike many other brands of MSM produced from GMO corn.

Pure organic MSM is far more effective in healing the airways and lungs than ordinary MSM.


A woman holding a sliced orange over her eye

There is a story on YouTube – “Vitamin C- The miracle swine flu cure” – that tells the story of the lifesaving benefits of vitamin c. In New Zealand, a farmer was dying in hospital from septicaemia. After 2 weeks in the hospital, he was not responding to any treatments and the doctors were talking about switching off his life support machine. One of his sons had read a lot about vitamin C and mentioned to the doctors his father might need it. He was ignored, naturally, but he persisted and the doctors had no other choice and decided to listen to the son. They injected the comatose man with high dose vitamin C. The next day the man woke up. 


The story showcases the immense importance of vitamin C in boosting the immune system and fighting infections. Infections put a huge strain on the body by producing deadly oxidation chemicals that contribute to inflammation. These chemicals cause intense acute inflammation of the organs especially the arteries resulting in a drop in blood pressure, massive shock and further damage to the organs. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant with the capacity to mop-up and neutralize huge amounts of toxins before they cause to the organs. 


The body requires a huge dose of vitamin C when healthy to maintain the immune system and prevent inflammation. However, in disease the required amounts of vitamin C increase even more. Scientists cannot agree on the daily amount required for optimal health. What is agreed upon is that the body requires vitamin C not in milligrams, but in grams. Thus, it requires several grams daily. 



Graph of A bone density scan

Bone density scans are carried out to determine if a patient is suffering from osteopenia or osteoporosis. Osteopenia is widely regarded to be a precursor to osteoporosis. Both are characterised by lower-than-normal bone density.

If either of these conditions are diagnosed, medication will be prescribed to strengthen the bones with the aim of preventing future fractures. However, there is ample scientific and clinical evidence that the bone density scan is highly unreliable and the recommended therapy for both osteopenia and osteoporosis is not only ineffective but deadly to bone health. 

What is wrong with a DEXA scan?
Several studies have shown that DEXA scans do not produce cohesive and accurate reports. The scanners themselves are essentially X-ray machines for the bones.

Shockingly, the technology has not moved on in terms of its design since the 1980s. This puts it completely out of line with all technological progress that has occurred over the last three decades. Perhaps this would not be too bad if the machines were functioning at a high level, but this is not the case. 

The seminal problem with DEXA scans is that they produce variable results. Studies have confirmed that DEXA scan reports differ from one machine to another and can change depending on variable factors. For example, the time of day, the immediate physical activity of the patient, the temperature etc.

Effectively this means that something as simple as going for a morning jog before having one of these tests will alter the result. 

One of the most worrying aspects of the DEXA scan is that the report is negatively biased against thinner women. Women who have larger frames are given a healthier report by the scan than slimmer women.

Studies show that the DEXA scan makes many wrong diagnoses of osteoporosis and osteopenia in smaller women, leading to unnecessary treatment. 

Dangerous medication and how it affects the natural bone cycle
This leads us onto the next big problem: the medications that are prescribed when osteoporosis or osteopenia is detected by the inaccurate DEXA scan.

These drugs belong to a class known as bisphosphonates, which include drugs such as alendronates and ibandronate or ibandronic acid. To understand why they pose a threat to health, it is first necessary to understand the natural life cycle of the bones.

Our bones are not static, they continuously repair and regenerate themselves. This renewal process is done using two sets of cells – osteoclasts that produce new bone cells and osteoblasts that dissolve old bone. An easy way to remember the difference between the two is that osteoblasts ‘blast away’ the old cells.

Drugs that are prescribed for osteopenia and osteoporosis, such as alendronate, inhibit the osteoblast cells. This prevents the dissolution of old bone. The osteoclast cells continue to function as normal, meaning that new bone is formed on top of the old. When a DEXA scan is run, it will report that the bones have thickened and are denser as a result of the medication. While this may sound like a positive development, it is actually very harmful. 

When new bone is built on top of old bone that would have been dissolved had the body’s natural regeneration process been allowed to function as normal, the resulting bone structure is actually weaker – even though it appears to be thicker on a DEXA scan. This is because the old bone is not strong. It has the same effect as building a new house on old foundations that are worn and weathered from time. 

Is there a safe alternative treatment?
Our bones and joints become weak and diseased when their supporting structure is not as sturdy as they need to be. Using the house metaphor, it does not matter how strong the walls are or how good the roof is if the foundations are not sturdy the house will not stand for long. In the body, the supporting structure is a protein called collagen.

The most important mineral the body requires to produce collagen is MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl Methane). The joints also require other nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, silica, boron, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D. Whilst you can get all of these nutrients by eating a good diet, MSM has become a problem in recent times because it is missing from our food due to changes in farming processes.

This is why taking MSM is a good idea, however, not all forms are equal. Supplementary tablets are derived from animal protein and are difficult for the body to digest, meaning that it cannot extract the amount that these products claim to provide. The optimal way of taking MSM is in powder form. This also has the benefit of being more cost-effective than in tablet or capsule form. 

Taking MSM
An effective dose for treating joint pain and bone aches is two teaspoons of MSM powder in a glass of water taken twice daily for three months. To help the absorption process, you should have a small portion of fruit immediately afterwards. A few segments of orange or a handful of berries, for example. This will also help with the flavour of the powder, which is not overly pleasant. The pain relief it brings is typically noticeable within a couple of hours to a few days. You can also dissolve the powder in fruit juice to improve its taste. 

The dose for maintaining and strengthening the bones and joints and preventing against disease is one teaspoon in a glass of water in the morning and afternoon. Again, follow this with a small portion of fruit.


Colloidal Silver: The Universal Antibiotic

An Image of a human cell surrounded by microbes

Silver has been used for thousands of years as an antibiotic. Ancient cultures used silver pots to store water, with the knowledge that it will protect them against diseases. Silver dressings and products are currently used in specialist hospitals to speed-up the healing of wounds.

The International Space station and the Russian Space station use colloidal Silver to purify water. Most recently, Silver has been recommended for use in surgical instruments and silver-coated catheters, to prevent MRSA infections.

Colloidal Silver was recognised as a powerful antibiotic as soon as Dr Silver first discovered it in 1906, but it fell out of favour decades later, when antibiotics became available. And today, with the rise of antibiotic-resistant microbes, colloidal Silver is making a come-back as the preferred antibiotic of choice for a variety of infectious diseases.

Several scientific studies have demonstrated that Colloidal Silver is a powerful antibiotic. In the 1980s, studies carried out at the Syracuse University, and the UCLA School of medicine showed that colloidal Silver was highly effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungal microbes, including those that had become resistant to antibiotics. Recently studies at the University of Texas suggested that colloidal Silver may be effective against HIV-1 virus.

Colloidal Silver has absolutely no side effects. The particles of Silver in colloidal Silver are extremely tiny, making it impossible for any form of toxicity to occur in the body. The cosmetic side effect of argyria (greying of the skin) is only seen when people consume silver salts and solutions that are not fit for human consumption.

Adrenal Fatigue – A Hidden Cause of Chronic Tiredness

A Tired Man

Adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands are overworked, leading them to produce very little adrenal hormones. This triggers a lowered metabolism and reduced energy levels. The adrenal gland produces the hormones cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Cortisol is crucial for controlling stress levels. It regulates, influences and modifies many of the changes that occur in the body in response to stress, changes that impact sugar levels, immune response, blood pressure and even emotions. 

Studies show that cortisol level peaks by 8 AM and is its lowest at around 4 AM. The body reacts to stressful stimuli by raising cortisol levels. This is a normal part of your bodily process. However, it is important that the levels of cortisol come down after the stressful event has passed. Unfortunately, due to the high-stress world we live in, cortisol levels can continue to remain high. Too much cortisol will cause health problems such as diabetes, immune depression, high blood pressure, and eventually will burn out the adrenal gland. This is what causes adrenal fatigue. 

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are related but separate hormones and neurotransmitters that are particularly useful for preparing the body for what is known as the ‘fight or flight’ response. This is a primal response to danger. These hormones serve as chemical mediators by transmitting nerve impulses to the organs, thereby conveying messages to the organs that the body is in a dangerous situation.

Epinephrine increases heart rate, reduces food digestion, increases lung capacity and muscle contraction. While these changes are essential to prepare the body in times of stress, the body will suffer dire health consequences if the changes continue without end. One such problem is the eventual burnout of the adrenal gland, resulting in adrenal insufficiency and chronic fatigue.

Adrenal fatigue will also result from the failure of the adrenal glands to produce adequate hormones. A primary cause of this is taking medications, especially statin drugs prescribed to reduce cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol is the primary nutrient required to produce all hormones in the body, including the adrenal hormones – cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. It is not surprising that many of the side effects of low cholesterol are the same as those seen in adrenal fatigue – including chronic fatigue, susceptibility to infections, blood pressure changes, thyroid problems etc. 

Stress causes far more harm to the body than most people realise, making it vital that we take out time to relax the body. A good way of tackling stress is to take daily walks in nature. A healthy diet is also essential. The body requires nutrients to produce the hormones listed above that it needs to function adequately.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins should be avoided at all costs because of the harmful effect they have on the bodily process. And for those that have to take such medications, there are natural alternatives that are better than statins – and even these should not be taken continuously. 

How to dissolve plaque in arteries and prevent heart attack and strokes

A Man Clutching his heart

High Cholesterol is not the cause of the plaque that clogs arteries, eventually leading to heart attacks and strokes. The leading cause of the buildup of plaque in arteries is inflammation.

Inflammation is like an injury occurring inside the walls of arteries, and the leading cause of this injury are toxins called free radicals. Toxic free radicals are generated in the body when we inhale or ingest chemical compounds from air pollutants, pesticides, insecticides, plastics, cleaning chemicals, drugs, etc.

To repair the injury or inflammation caused by free radicals, the body sets in motion processes that are similar to what happens when we have a cut on the skin.

When there is a cut on the skin specialised cells called clotting cells move to the injury site to stop the bleeding. The same process happens when toxic free radicals cause inflammation of the arteries, and clotting cells (also known as platelets) congregate at the site of inflammation to repair the injury. However, the continuous presence of these toxic free radicals in the body means that the inflammation in arteries continues non-stop, and the clotting cells continue to accumulate and attract other stick substances, eventually blocking arteries completely.

Plaque can accumulate in any artery in the body and cause problems to affected organs. In the brain, plaque will cause a stroke by restricting blood supply to an area of the brain. In the heart, plaque will occlude the arteries of the heart and cause high blood pressure, heart failure and heart attack.

Plaque can also block the arteries of the joints, especially the hip joints, and trigger or worsen joint and bone diseases. Hormonal disorders can occur when the arteries of the pituitary gland – the master hormonal gland – is blocked.

The conventional method for managing Plaque in arteries (medically called atherosclerosis) is with Blood thinners such as aspirin and blood pressure medications. The idea is that thinner blood has less resistance and will easily pass through a blocking artery. The reality, however, is that there is no scientific basis for using aspirin to manage plaque, and blood thinners do not stop further blocking of arteries.

The good news is that it is possible to dissolve plaque and prevent arteries from blocking. Serrapeptase is a naturally occurring enzyme that dissolves plaque from arteries. Dr Nieper, a German Medical Doctor, discovered serrapeptase in the 1960s and published several scientific papers proving his discovery.

Serrapeptase is the enzyme used by the silkworm to break out of its cocoon and emerge as a butterfly. Serrapeptase dissolves unwanted and dead tissue in the body while leaving intact, healthy tissue. Dr Nieper showed that serrapeptase helps prevent stents from blocking.

By dissolving plaque in arteries, serrapeptase helps reduce the workload on the heart that causes high blood pressure.

Moreover, serrapeptase also helps dissolve unwanted and toxic mucus in the lungs and joints and helps relieve chronic mucus cough and joint pain.

The best form of Serrapeptase is enteric coated Serrapeptase. Expect the best results at least three months after starting therapy.

Dr Machi Mannu MD


Man holding his right knee

As a medical doctor interested in using natural remedies to stop joint pain to avoid the side effects associated with prescription drugs, I find MSM to be on a league of its own when it comes to treating joint pain.

Your joints contain a sticky, thick substance called synovial fluid. It is the oil and lube your body makes especially for your joints, and when you don’t have enough, well you have… aching, throbbing, grinding hips, knees, shoulders and elbows.

But when your joints are flooded with this cushiony, soft fluid, you can bend and swing your legs without propping your knees, write and shuffle cards with comfortable hands, sleep all through the night without your throbbing hips forcing you to get up.

Of course, as you get older, this natural buffer in your joints becomes stiff and begins to fade. Your joints need more cushion… and synovial fluid is the answer.

And to make synovial fluid, your body needs the mineral called MSM. MSM is a naturally occurring nutrient in the body required to make collagen – an essential component of our bones, joints, skin and hair. MSM is what the body needs to produce synovial fluid; the liquid that allows your joints to move freely.

MSM is a powerful painkiller and anti-inflammatory agent. Many studies have shown MSM to be more effective than prescription pain killers and steroids for treating Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Frozen shoulder, muscle cramp, Neck pain and back pain.

Dr Machi Mannnu MD