There is a story on YouTube – “Vitamin C- The miracle swine flu cure” – that tells the story of the lifesaving benefits of vitamin c. In New Zealand, a farmer was dying in hospital from septicaemia. After 2 weeks in the hospital, he was not responding to any treatments and the doctors were talking about switching off his life support machine. One of his sons had read a lot about vitamin C and mentioned to the doctors his father might need it. He was ignored, naturally, but he persisted and the doctors had no other choice and decided to listen to the son. They injected the comatose man with high dose vitamin C. The next day the man woke up.
The story showcases the immense importance of vitamin C in boosting the immune system and fighting infections. Infections put a huge strain on the body by producing deadly oxidation chemicals that contribute to inflammation. These chemicals cause intense acute inflammation of the organs especially the arteries resulting in a drop in blood pressure, massive shock and further damage to the organs. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant with the capacity to mop-up and neutralize huge amounts of toxins before they cause to the organs.
The body requires a huge dose of vitamin C when healthy to maintain the immune system and prevent inflammation. However, in disease the required amounts of vitamin C increase even more. Scientists cannot agree on the daily amount required for optimal health. What is agreed upon is that the body requires vitamin C not in milligrams, but in grams. Thus, it requires several grams daily.