To understand what Ketogenic Diet means, we have to understand ‘Ketones’. 

Ketones are compounds produced in the body as a source of fuel. 

The food we eat contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats which the body burns to generate energy and repair damaged organs. But to do so, the body has to break down these food components into simpler forms. The body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and fructose, proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids and ketones. 

So Ketones are a form of fuel for the body. 

A ketogenic diet is a diet that encourages the body to produce ketones instead of glucose as a fuel for energy. 

The body can produce ketones in 2 ways:

  1. By eating a low carbohydrate diet, the body is encouraged to burn stored body fat for fuel which in turn leads to increased production of ketones. 
  2.  Eating foods rich in saturated fats, in turn, leads to the production of more ketones. Foods rich in Ketones are coconut oil, avocado, butter, eggs, meat, milk and cheese. 




Ketones are produced from fats, which means the body burns fat for energy which in turn helps with weight loss. 


When the body is producing and using ketones, it is producing less glucose which is beneficial for those suffering diabetes. Furthermore, when the body burns fat, it encourages weight loss and reduced blood pressure.  


A well-known fact is that cancer cells feed on glucose. Depriving the body of glucose will starve cancer cells of their primary source of fuel – glucose, and they start to die off. The good thing is that healthy cells can survive on ketones while cancer cells can’t and die off. Some Diets that are known to help cancer such as Garson’s diet rely on the body producing ketones to starve cancer cells.  


The Ketogenic Diet is very beneficial for people seeking to lose weight, reduce blood pressure, maintain healthy blood sugar and fight cancer.