How to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?
How can you prevent Alzheimer’s disease? To answer that, it is necessary to look at the root cause of Alzheimer’s disease. It is clear from numerous studies that the underlying cause of Alzheimer’s disease is chronic inflammation. Today Chronic inflammation is recognised as a hidden trigger for many other diseases including Heart diseases, Joint diseases and Diabetes.
Inflammation is actually a beneficial process. It is the body’s healing response to injury. The best way to imagine inflammation is what happens when there’s a cut on the skin. When this happens, the body sends out clotting cells – platelets to stop the bleeding and lay down fibrous tissue to heal the wound. However, if the wound is not allowed to heal properly, it could result in more serious problems such as infection. Inflammation is a similar process but occurs inside the body.
Inflammation is injury inside the body caused by foreign and harmful agents. The body can protect itself against these harmful agents until it becomes overwhelmed by persistent inflammation – chronic inflammation.
The most harmful agents causing inflammation of the brain are known as free radicals. These free radicals are very active compounds produced when the body comes in contact with harmful chemicals. The key sources of these harmful free radicals are:
- Heavy metals such as Lead, Mercury and Cadmium
- Nutrient Deficiencies
- Chemicals in household goods such as insecticides, detergents
- Food additives in Processed foods
- Wifi and Electromagnetic Pollutants
Being aware of the causes and avoiding them will go a long way in preventing and even reversing Alzheimer’s disease.
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